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The "FUTHURE: Fostering Unity, Tolerance and HUman Rights in Europe" was a project that for 36 months brought together 9 partners from 6 EU (MT, IT, RO, CY, PT, SE) and 1 neighbor country (BIH). FUTHURE aimed to create a network for involving active citizens in raising awareness of common values and debating on the Future of Fundamental Rights in Europe. The projects’ state-of-the-art stood in the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the proclamation of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, bringing proposals for the Future. 

The aims were achieved thanks to the complex activity plan that included 7 International Events (1 online and 6 in situ), 24 Local Debates, and 7 Local Dissemination meetings. The events were focused on the 6 pillars of the Charter (Solidarity, Dignity, Freedom, Equality, Citizens’ Rights, and Justice) and were organized during remembrance days such as World Press Freedom Day, “Carta di Leuca”, Europe Day, World Refugee Day, World Day of Social Justice. 

The final output of the project represents the “Guidelines for the FUTHURE” and gathers the ideas, proposals, and recommendations on the Future of Fundamental Rights in Europe.

Thanks to this plan, the well-structured communication and dissemination initiatives, and a great collaboration between the partners, the FUTHURE project reached 454 DIRECT and over 35000 INDIRECT participants from the 9 communities.  

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“Guidelines for FUTHURE” – a detailed recommendations about the Future of Fundamental Rights in Europe

The Guidelines merged all the feedbacks and ideas collected during the 24 Local Debates and will were addressed also to the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights.


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