“Fostering Unity, Tolerance and Human Rights in Europe (FUTHURE)”
On the 19th of January 2021, #FPD hosted the online coordination meeting of the #FUTHURE project, co-fincanced by the #Europe_for_Citizens programme, #strand_2: Democratic engagement and civic participation. The project #aims to create a Network for actively #involving_citizens in #raising_awareness on common values and in the #debating on the #future_of_Europe and its #fundamental_rights. The celebration of the 20th anniversary of the proclamation of the #EU_Charter_of_Fundamental_Rights in 2020 represents a great opportunity to analyze the state of the art and make proposals for the Future.
For the next 2 years, 10 organizations from 8 countries Xagħra Local Council (MT)-Applicant Organization, #Fattoria_Pugliese_Diffus_APS (IT)-Co-Coordinator, Asociatia Nameless Art (RO), African-European Development Agency (SE), Sarajevska regionalna razvojna agencija SERDA (BA), Asociación, Cultural Social Educativa Segundas Oportunidades (SP), YEU Cyprus (CY), Go Free (RO), De Finibus Terrae (IT), Associação Check-In (PT) will work together in order to achieve the project objective.
At the meeting attended 18 participants from all the partner organizations. From this, Mr. Christian Zammit, the mayor of Xaghra Local Council, wished everyone a fruitful cooperation and Mr. Evangelista Leuzzi, introduced the project objectives, and opened a discussion about the distribution of roles and tasks and financial and administrative issues.
More info www.ec.europa.eu/programmes/europe-for-citizens/projects/efc-project-details-page/?nodeRef=workspace://SpacesStore/eb6a49aa-9a4b-4ac6-90e2-2a474cc697bb