23-25 February, Musninkai, Lithuania
hosted by VO Musninku kaimo bendruomene
From the 23rd to the 25th of February we’ve meet with the I-PLAY partners in Sirvintos and Musninkai (Lithuania) for the 3rd International Event. The main topic of this event was “Distance learning and work”. The partners have exchanged practices, EU policies and programmes on Distance Learning and Work.
During the meeting we’ve met: - Janina Pazusien, Deputy Mayor of Širvintų community whom presented the district, their experience and challenges in remote working during the Covid-19 pandemic - Lada Krisciúniené, principal of Sirvintos school whom introduced the teaching platforms used during the covid-19 pandemic - Rima Jaseviciene - leader of Sirvintos eldership whom presented their elders and experiences in working during the Covid-19 period Our representatives visited Sirvintos Open Youth Space, where youth workers as Agne and Živilé told us about their remote working practices with youth during the pandemic time.
The agenda of the meeting is available down below by pressing the button